
How much do you charge for therapy or coaching?

$175 for a 45 min session

200$ for an hour or couples session

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, I accept Hawaii insurance, Kaiser, HMSA, UHA

How can I pay for therapy?

Cash, Venmo, Paypal, Major credit cards

Do you offer a sliding scale?

I do not offer a sliding scale, however I do always want to make my services affordable and I am open to working with clients on a pay scale or payment plan that works for my clients healing and evolution.

How will I know if we would be a good fit?

Feel free to contact me through e-mail or phone for a 15 minute consultation.

How do I know if holistic therapy is right for me?

Everyone is unique, I offer a perspective that takes in more than your presenting issues. I will look at your daily routine, your diet, your movement routine, your relationships, your career, and patterns in life. If its a good fit I hope that my clients see, feel, and experience a difference in their outlook on their lives, routines, manifestations, and relationships.

Does what we talk about in therapy remain confidential?

Yes, everything will remain confidential. Although I do not accept insurance I do follow HIPAA laws.  (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

Can you prescribe medication?

No, I do not prescribe medications, however I may make referrals to psychiatrists to connect you to medication or naturpaths to connect you to herbs and supplements.

How will I know if therapy is working? 

Enhanced relationships with yourself and others. Ability to alchemize energy from emotions into creative inspiration.

What is your cancellation fee?

I want to model self worth in my policies so that my client can model that in their own life. Please notify me 24hrs prior to canceling for a full refund. No refund will be available if you cancel in less than 12hrs before the appointment. I will honor your time and boundaries as I hope that you will honor mine.